Privacy Policy

Sell, share or rent information
UBUNTU will not sell, share or rent your confidential information to any independent third party without your prior consent.

As an investor, and only at your request, we will provide your preferred method of contact information for any entrepreneur you specifically request to contact.

Please note that the title and short summary of the Entrepreneurs Presentations will be indexed on Google in order to attract maximum interest in your project. We therefore advise you not to include any confidential information in these sections of your presentation.

If you decide to register as an entrepreneur or investor with , "cookies" are used to recognize you on subsequent visits and to make your online experience more user-friendly.
"Cookies" are small pieces of data that may be sent to your computer and which may then be stored by your browser on your computers hard drive.

Most Internet browsers have features that can notify you when you receive a "cookie" or prevent "cookies" from being sent. Please note that by not accepting cookies, you will limit the functionality that can be made available to you when you visit
Transaction information can be transferred securely to the payment gateway via secure SSL connections
Sponsorship Sites
The UBUNTU website provides links to third party sponsors.

These sponsors are independent of this website and are regulated by their own

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